Gardening For Kids: How to Inspire Your Little Ones to Help in the Garden

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Inspiring children to enjoy plants and gardening can give them a healthy hobby for their whole lives. Teach your children responsibility and give them something to look forward to. Teach them to set realistic goals and how to achieve them! Most importantly, have fun!!

Plant Something Fun and Appealing

Edible or flowering plants are a little more exciting than ferns. In addition to giving your kids a reason to tend their plants, tangible results like a tasty treat or a pretty blossom can deepen your kids’ sense of accomplishment while also acting as positive reinforcement when your kids do a good job.

Make Sure Your Kids Are Involved

Giving your kids one or two tasks in the garden can make gardening seem like a chore, but involving them throughout the entire process shows them that their input is valid and valued. -Bring your kids to the nursery to help you choose plants and seeds.

  • Have them help set up your garden.
  • Keep them involved right through the season by having them harvest their produce or even prepare a delicious meal using their homegrown veggies.

Tips for School-Age Kids

  • School-age kids can handle more responsibility – let them choose, plant, and harvest their own plants.
  • Encourage your school-age child to keep a gardening journal. It boosts their literacy skills, and also gives them a chance to draw pictures and remember their favorite things about gardening.
  • Start getting your kids involved in the kitchen

Plants to inspire children

Experiencing success in growing plants as a child is often a person’s first memory of gardening. Give children their own positive experience by introducing them to some inspiring plants;

  • Easy flowers to grow from seed include sunflower, marigolds and poppies and big seeds from trees such as oak or sycamore
  • Quick and tasty edible plants include swiss chard ‘Bright Lights’, radish, lettuce, courgettes and runner beans
  • Edible flowers to try include sweet-tasting day lily and peppery nasturtium



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