Facing the New Year with a Newborn – How I’m Hoping to Get My Groove Back

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Being a mom changes you – your emotions, your outlook on life, your motivation, your priorities, and most definitely, your body. Change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. But if you’re like me, you likely struggle with how to cope and adapt when faced with THAT MUCH change.
Parenthood looks different for everyone. Most of the time it’s a glorious journey filled with coos, cuddles, endless dirty diapers, countless tears (theirs and yours) and so many new memories. Is it easy? Nope. Is it worth it? I think so. But during it all, how do we find ourselves – or even a little time for just ourselves – all while caring for a tiny, helpless creature 100% of the time? With help, that’s how.
In 2016 I worked hard on taking care of my body. With 35 lbs to lose and both of my girls in full-time school, I tried everything. By focusing on eating properly and incorporating lots of exercise, I entered 2017 in the best shape of my life.

And then life through me a curve-ball… without any planning or intention, Baby #3 was on the way. I honestly did the best I could to keep active and eat right. But let’s face it – pregnancy is rough. Many meals were chocolate based and I barely registered 250 steps in a day; usually accomplished on the way to the kitchen for more chocolate. So, I find myself longing to get back to how felt before. I sit here with a beautiful and precious 7-week- old miracle wrapped to my chest – and my back and core muscles screaming at me out of shock because they’ve forgotten how to do their jobs.

More than anything I would love to return to running and yoga and weightlifting and kick boxing and everything else that got me to my goal, but life has changed. So how do we as new moms reclaim our spark when it comes to our health? This is where that help comes in.I have a loose plan – I say loose because we know how unpredictable small people can be – to tackle 2018 and my goals for getting in shape. I’ve researched several amazing resources in my community and throughout the Fraser Valley to help me succeed all while caring for an infant.

Admittedly, everyone’s road to health is, and should be, different. You must do what works best for you. However, I’m inviting you to follow along as I try to get my groove back. I’ll introduce you to the people, places and things that will hopefully help me reclaim my love for healthy decision making.

Have you made some 2018 goals? Are they fitness based? Or do you have other plans to make this year your best yet? Share with us! We would love to cheer you along.

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